Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An Open Letter to Congress

To Our Elected Representatives of the 111th Congress,

Almost 233 years ago an august group of courageously committed men signed off on a now famous open letter to King George with the following line:

“‘And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”  (The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America)

Is there not one among you that bears that same courage of conviction borne by our founding fathers? Not ONE out of all 535 of you? NOT ONE?!?!?!

If there is not, then after the almost 233 years of our independent republic we have failed and the republic no longer stands and as we approach the eve of the 233rd birthday of our great nation I would submit and declare the following:

Amongst the body of Congress there appears to have developed a pervasive attitude of privilege and rank that is antithetical to the Congress of the United States that I support and was designed by our founders. This was most recently publically demonstrated in the exchange between Barbara Boxer and Brigadier General Michael Walsh in which she asserted that she had worked very hard to earn her title as “Senator” and that he should address her as such. Ms. Boxer, if I may address you personally for a moment, maam, let me guarantee you that anything in your life that you have worked hard for and earned pales in comparison to what Brigadier General Walsh has earned. He would never demand respect as you did. It is not within his character. He does not have to because HE has earned it and now owns it and receives it from all who matter. This is something you will never have because you do not know how to earn it. Respect is not a function of title, wealth or ability. It is a description of character and is automatically and freely given to those who have earned it. Your “title” of “Senator” was not earned through hard work and it affords you no special demand for respect. Instead, it is the result of a popularity contest among the unpopular. In contrast, the General has volunteered to serve this nation, very often in austere conditions and always at great personal sacrifice for the last 33 years. In your professional life you have begged We the People for a job each election cycle. We, the General included, are NOT your inferiors nor your subjects. We are your employers.
Let me now move toward the main point of this letter. Prior to arrival, please know that I am NOT a subscriber to conspiracy theories. I am also neither blind nor stupid. I am also not alone. Many more are joining us each and every day as the word virally spreads. It is snowballing into an avalanche. There are millions of us and we are intent on informing millions more. Soon, we will not be a minority.

Finally, before I continue, let me offer my thanks. Because of you, our elected representatives, an unbelievable number of people are once again beginning to read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and are for the first time discovering a very simple truth that has been hidden over the recent decades by the education system, media and judiciary in this country. They are discovering that these documents were written and ratified in very simple, easy to read and unambiguous English. Many of the younger ones are also discovering that they are not quite sure they have ever had all of the rights guaranteed to them that are guaranteed by the constitution and they are researching as to when and why they may have lost those rights and who was responsible. To paraphrase a quote often mistakenly attributed to the Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto after the attack on Pearl Harbor, “"[You] have awakened a sleeping giant and have instilled in him a terrible resolve". That is the sum of what I feel that I may currently thank you for.

Despite the media blackout on the subject, denial via belittling and dismissive form letters from your offices and the continuing campaign to marginalize us, our numbers continue to grow at an accelerated pace. We are not going away and we will be heard.

1. We KNOW Barack Hussein Obama has NOT produced an original vault copy birth certificate. Instead, his campaign published what they claimed was a birth certificate but is actually a short form called a “Certificate of Live Birth”.
     a. We KNOW that if the Certificate of Live Birth image is downloaded directly from Obama’s website and opened by way of a ‘text editor’ it can be plainly shown that the picture/document was altered via Adobe Photoshop prior to being published.
     b. We KNOW that the Factcheck.org “verification” of this same” birth certificate” is without value considering Obama’s close ties with the Annenberg Foundation, the angles and distance at which they shot the follow up pictures and their intentional misrepresentation of what Hawaiian officials have stated about the subject.
     c. We KNOW that the State of Hawaii issued such certificates of live birth, as a matter of law, to persons that both were and were not born in Hawaii, merely on the claim of ONE relative.
     d. We KNOW that Dr. Fukino, the director of the Hawaiian Department of Health DID NOT verify that Obama was born in Hawaii. She VERY CAREFULLY avoided saying so in her press release!
     f. We also KNOW that the Hawaiian Department of Homelands WILL NOT accept the same document, legitimate or not, from any Hawaiian as proof of birth and instead REQUIRES that the long form birth certificate be submitted.
     g. We also KNOW that Obama has spent a sum just either side of one million dollars to date in order to prevent this document from coming to light despite his promise of having the most transparent administration ever.  It would not cost more than twenty-five dollars to produce his true birth certificate.

2. We know that the Selective Service registration card of Mr. Obama has been examined and contains a number of anomalies. We know that if he was not properly registered that, notwithstanding any other reason, he is ineligible for the office he now occupies.

3. We KNOW that he also refuses and is currently fighting not to release ANY of the following additional potentially damning documentation:
     a. Kindergarten records – They are mysteriously the only records missing among his classmates.
     b.  Soetoro adoption records
     c.  Fransiskus Assisi School application and records
     d.  Punahou School records
     e.  Occidental College records
     f.  Passport and Passport Records
     g.  Columbia College records
     h.  Columbia thesis: “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament” 
     i.  Harvard College records
     j.  Harvard Law Review articles (do not exist?)
     k.  Illinois Bar Records
     l.   Baptismal certificate
    m. Medical records
     n.  Illinois State Senate records
     o.  Illinois State Senate schedule
     p.  Law practice client list
     q.  University of Chicago scholarly articles (do not exist?)

The Obama camp REFUSES to release any of these documents. These are the KNOWN list that would establish two things. First, they would confirm the citizenship status of Mr. Obama and thereby his eligibility or ineligibility to hold the office he now occupies. Second, the political philosophy or at least the roots of the political philosophy of Mr. Obama would become evident.

There is also the Constitutional question of what exactly is a “natural born” citizen. In my opinion, even if Barak Obama were born in Hawaii, he does not meet this definition. This was actually borne out and admitted to indirectly during the vetting of Senator McCain, who is ashamedly silent on this issue. Of course, I never considered him a viable candidate either despite the fact that he was eligible to run for the office. Yes, despite his VERY honorable service to our nation, I am challenging his courage to stand up for what is right. He DID stand up for what is right as a young man but I fear that his experiences as a young man and age have sapped his courage. There is no excuse, no matter how outlandish, that dictates the silence and cowardice of the entire Congress.

Without the production of these documents it is without doubt that Mr. Obama WAS NOT properly vetted in any form by anyone! Yet the Congress and media sleep. That is okay, the giant is awakened.

Gentlemen and ladies, there is a challenge that now exists in our country that is without comparison and threatens to become a Constitutional Crisis. Many would argue that it has already reached that level. There are several cases challenging the eligibility of Mr. Obama but no one except individual private citizens and individual members of the military have challenged the eligibility of Mr. Obama and those same citizens are being halted at every turn by the courts, not on the merits of their cases, but on the non-constitutional concept of “standing.” A premise, which even if granted legitimacy, is a concept when applied in this matter, is patently false. The individual citizen does suffer injury in almost innumerable ways if Mr. Obama is ineligible to hold the office that he currently occupies. Military members have the right to know if the orders they must follow are from a legitimate Commander-in-Chief, and thereby lawful. The Constitution was designed to severely limit the powers of government in order to preserve the rights and freedom of the individual and the body as “We the People”. No one EXCEPT citizens has “standing” under the Constitution and that same document GUARANTEES us the right to redress our grievances. Why is this not being allowed? Why are our elected representatives not guaranteeing that the Constitution is preserved as the Supreme Law of the Land and the rights of the people may be freely exercised?

Documentation not withstanding, these other anomalies are also SELF EVIDENT:

     1. The “President” of the United States has fired the CEO of a major corporation, General Motors, shortly before the federal government seized control of that same corporation. Where in the Constitution are these powers granted to the federal government by We the People?
     2. The federal government has seized more banks and their assets then there are states in the Union. Forty-five this year alone! Where in the Constitution is the Federal Government granted this authority by We the People?
     3. The federal government has seized control of a second major corporation, Chrysler, and dictated its restructuring. Again, where in the Constitution have We the People authorized this?
     4. The “President” has abandoned one of the historically great allies of the United States, Israel, a democratic freedom loving and constantly embattled nation, while apologizing to our historic enemies abroad and most recently is attempting to prop up the socialist dictator in Honduras. This is despite the facts that Israel is arguably more threatened now then at any other time in history and the Honduran Supreme Court nullified a referendum that the dictator is enforcing. Our government is abandoning the very principals that we have always stood upon.
     5. You, the Congress, are attempting to muscle legislation through, in the form of “Cap and Trade”, that is a prohibitive and liberty reducing bill even while admitting that it will create a burden on We the People. This bill is based upon the VERY questionable theory that human beings are causing cataclysmic global warming despite the fact that the leading climatologists tell us that we are entering a “cooling” period and that over the last 10 years global temperatures have consistently dropped.
     6. You are attempting to pass “card check”, at the behest of labor unions, which will destroy the time honored and necessary tradition of the secret ballot and replace it with intimidation.
     7. We the People have watched as the Attorney General declined to prosecute the most blatant case of voter intimidation ever recorded on video in this country.
     8. We the People have watched over the last few decades as the federal government has seized our public education system and forced teachings under the threat of the loss of funds (our own money) that most Americans do not agree with.
     9. The “President”, in collusion with members of Congress, is attempting to seize control of the entire healthcare system which will not only destroy the best health care system in the world but will result in the rationing of health care as well as further erode our freedoms. The federal government will have a free pass and open access into the most personal details of our lives as well as control over every aspect that could affect our health. This is not liberty! IT is being sold as a “Right”.  Any “right” that would erode my freedom I will joyfully surrender for the liberty to pursue my own solution as the Constitution guarantees. Government, by definition, cannot provide or distribute anything that it has not taken from someone because it produces nothing.
    10. The “President” has recently fired three inspector’s general, the internal watchdogs of our bureaucracies, without cause and without due process. When the previous administration replaced a handful of federal district attorney’s, a move that has become traditional and IS within the authority of the President, there were calls for investigations and even impeachment! Yet now you do not act! I pray that these inspectors have the courage to file “Quo Warranto” suits against Mr. Obama directly challenging his legitimacy to hold the office and therefore, remove them from theirs. Considering the lack of courage or worse, the complicity of the Congress, I believe this will be the Republic’s best chance to recover our liberties and to reestablish itself as it was intended.
   11. Despite the dozens of lawsuits the ENTIRE Congress has refused to assert its authority to examine the eligibility of the “President” or to even address it in any manner. This is the same body that has historically subpoenaed witnesses, held hearings and authorized special prosecutors for the mere whisper of wrong doing among political figures. Despite the growing popular concern and unparalleled threat to our Constitution there is silence. We the People are asking, “Why?”. Your silence and inaction will not be forgotten.

Congress should immediately and unanimously pass a law nullifying all laws that have currently been signed by Mr. Obama as well as all executive orders that he has issued and should halt all other legislative activity until such time as the Constitutionality of his Presidency is either firmly established or proved illegitimate. Failing that, every single one of you, without exception, should immediately resign in shame in order to allow for your replacements as your individual state constitutions and statutes provide. Perhaps then, we as a nation can recover and restore our republic. It appears that you no longer carry the moral imperative nor exercise your sacred duty to carry on in office and conduct the business of "WE the PEOPLE. There seems to be no honor, sacred or otherwise, among the lot of you.

I could expand my grievances in great number and detail but it would be pointless until those included are resolved. Instead, let me just conclude with the following facts, We the People ARE NOT going away. We the People ARE NOT going to comply. We the People ARE NOT going to forget.

It would, however, seem that the Congress has forgotten “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” We the People have not forgotten this.

There is a VERY large number of American citizens that are beginning to believe that we have been the victims of a coup d'état. We watch, many of us silently, as our government performs tyrannical actions that even just one year ago would have seemed impossible in our republic. We now number in the tens of millions and are getting bigger and bigger and bigger. This cannot and will not go away until it is demanded of Mr. Obama that he produce the documentation and until the Supreme Court clearly defines the term “natural born citizen.” We know what our founder’s meant, relying heavily in our founding, upon the common law definitions of Vattel’s The Law of Nations. Since there seems to be confusion among the members of Congress, We the People would like it set in stone.

I am asking that someone, ANYONE, among you stand up in the tradition of our founding fathers and start the Congressional snowball rolling. There should be NO OTHER issue before Congress until this is resolved. We are watching and we will replace those that would subvert our Constitutional Republic by their actions or inactions.

May God bless and preserve the union and guide the hearts, minds and actions of those for whom this is intended and all who read it.

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd C. Salzer
Awakened American Citizen and Voter

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Keep it clean. Other than that -have at it. Take your best shot - or praise each other.